Some great news for the Reserve!

Pond restoration for the benefit of great crested newts

This is a paraphrased message from Fran Lancaster of Telford & Wrekin Council's Strategic Planning Team:

Funding is secured for restoring two ponds for the benefit of great crested newts as part of the borough-wide Strategic Licencing Scheme.

1.The one close to Severn Drive play area   

2. The one at the rear of Harley Close. Maps attached.

Works start date: Tuesday 28th January. There will be some site notices up. Netting fencing will be used at the Severn Drive pond to protect any public on the footpath. Fencing to be removed once the silt has dried.  

The pond at the rear of Harley Close is further from the path so should not be so much of an issue. Access for the machine will be achieved down the path.

Some tree removal will occur in both locations to open up the ponds to sunlight and to minimise the amount of leaf litter entering the ponds in the long term. Hibernacula features will be created nearby, using cut wood and some of the excavated material.

Pearce Environment are carrying out these works. They are familiar with the site and fully insured etc. The works will look invasive when they are under way/first finished but each location will quickly revegetate. 

If you have any questions about the works please do give me a call on 01952 384220.

Fran Lancaster, Ecology & Green Infrastructure Specialist

Ponds location maps 

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